Pros: The LG seems to be well-built and sturdy, and features just about everything one would expect nowadays in a product like this.
Cons: The ridiculous price (over $1,000) is the spoiler.
Review: Do you recall when IBM first put out the PC and Motorola the cell phone? They pretty much monopolized the market and simply gouged the consumer mercilessly.
But LG has no such monopoly on the cell phone watch market; the Chinese have been manufacturing this product for some time now - and with high quality standards and nearly all the same features.
The difference - the HUGH difference - is in the price: one can purchase a good Chinese cell phone watch, directly from a Chinese dealer (such as Chinavasion) for between $100 and $200.
OK, let's say you don't trust the Chinese. You still have the option of purchasing a Hyundai or a Samsung for a much lower price.
But the Chinese - from what I've seen and heard - are not producing junk - at least not in the field of electronics.
I can well remember when my friends and I laughed at Japanese products produced by "rice paddy workers." Seems the Japanese have had the last laugh, and I suspect that so will the Chinese, who have been combining advanced technical know-how with sharp capitalistic marketing practices.