วันอังคารที่ 15 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Sony Ericsson Xperia X2 Review

* Pros
: 8.1MP camera. Microsoft Office Mobile preloaded. QWERTY keyboard
* Cons: Resistive touchscreen. Lack of internal storage. Questions over Windows Mobile OS

There seems to be a new wave of love coming for Windows Mobile handsets, and leading the surge for business-types is the Sony Ericsson Xperia X2.

With the confirmation of its launch seemingly timed to rain on Nokia's parade, it will only be a light shower if the X2 can't address the clunky OS that blighted the X1.

Better camera
The X2 has lost none of the girth of its predecessor, and is still brick-like – even in the world of smartphones. To broaden its appeal, Sony Ericsson has ramped up the X1's run-of-the-mill 3.2MP camera to an impressive 8.1MP, complete with 'Photo light' for easy uploading to the internet and geotagging. Good news, considering the company’s reputation for optical excellence.

The bad news is that the stylus-friendly touchscreen is of the resistive variety, which means you'll probably have to get a little heavy-handed with it from time to time when navigating menus. The X2 is one of the first handsets to run the Windows 6.5 OS, which will hopefully improve the occasional instability of the X1.

Panel beater

Sony Ericsson has once again dressed the OS up in its finest 'Panels' attire, coming pre-loaded with 14 panels (twice as many as the X1) giving you touch access to a variety of features. While a fine idea, its implementation on the X1 could have been better, so we'll have to see if this incarnation can improve things.

Complementing the panels on the X2 is a new feature called SlideView, which should give even quicker access to frequently used apps like contacts, messages and media. This will hopefully minimise time spent in menus and add a much-needed intuitive air to the interface.

Talking of media, despite the boost in megapixels to the built-in camera, the X2 makes a rod for its own back by failing to include any onboard storage of great significance. If you want to store music, movies and photos, you'll be limited by the size of the microSD card you get. All of which proves this is a business beast at heart.

The X1 was a competent smartphone, but had a hard task to win over users with its clunky Windows-based operating system. If Windows 6.5 can smooth out some of those issues and Panels tidies up its edges, the X2 could fulfil more of that smartphone potential.

Reference: http://stuff.tv/review/Sony-Ericsson-Xperia-X2-preview/

